Are you a homeschool mom looking to reclaim the joy in your homeschool? A mom who needs encouragement & empowerment to find her own way in this homeschool world? Are your kids past the ABC & 123 stage?
The Homeschool Breakroom is your place.
I don’t have all the answers. But I do have more than a dozen years of homeschool experience. I love to share what has worked for us. (And what hasn’t.) I chat about what I’m enjoying as a mom & in our home.
When you hit the x up on the tab, I want you to do so satisfied you got something out of my site & walk away empowered with more knowledge than when you clicked on me.
Like many bloggers, this site has evolved from a personal day-to-day blog about me to one focused on YOU.
In 2003, our life changed dramatically. Gone was the DINK, suburban life; in came military life. A cross-country move & our first babe soon followed.
And that’s where life really changed.
Sending my husband to war, I looked at our six-week-old and knew that my life was now as a stay-at-home mom. One part of this life led to another. And we soon found ourselves as a homeschool family.
All along the way, this blog kept our families up-to-date with the kiddos.
But, as it happens, our lives change as we do. And so did this blog & my channel.
And so here we are.
I love to share. But I love to learn from YOU, too. Building a community of moms who share & encourage each other.
Don’t leave yet!
Come say hello over on my channel. Add this blog to your Feedly account. (Who else misses the days of Google Reader??!) Or, better yet…